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Property nullablenullableallow nulls?Types/Boolean18falsefalsefalse
should nullvalues be allowed and value set to NULL when empty?falseProperty
Action outputoutputoutputTypes/Text6where the output of the action should goAction
Family parentOfparentOfparentOfTypes/Page8comboboxthe person that the nobleTitle is inheritable from
Person picturepicturepictureTypes/URL5falsefalsefalseThe URL of a picture of the persontruePerson
Topic pluralNamepluralNamepluralNameTypes/Text2falsefalse50falseThe plural of a topic name. E.g. for the topic 'City' the pluralName is 'Cities'. If no pluralName is specified an 's' is appended. E.g. for the topic 'Book' the default pluralName is 'Books'Topic
Property primaryKeyprimaryKeyprimary keyTypes/Boolean6falsefalse4falseis this property a primary key of it's topic?Property
Person qidqidqidTypes/Text1truetruefalsethe id of a Person in WikiDatatruePerson
Person royal92idroyal92idroyal92idTypes/Text2falsethe royal92id of a Person in the GEDCOM standardtruePerson
Action serviceserviceserviceTypes/URL2The service to be usedAction
Action servicetypeservicetypeservicetypeTypes/Text1falsetruefalse
radiobuttonWikiTaskThe type of the servicetrueAction
Person sexsexsexTypes/Text6falsefalsefalseradiobuttonfemale,malethe gender of a person - female or maletruePerson
Property showInGridshowInGridshowInGridTypes/Boolean16falsefalsefalse
I am true if this property is displayed in the default list of properties for my topic as a columntrueProperty
Action sincesincesinceTypes/Date9falsefalsefalsedatepickersince when is this action available?trueAction
Context sincesincesinceTypes/Date2falsefalsefalsedatepickersince when is this context available?trueContext
Property sizesizesizeTypes/Number9falsefalse3falsethe display size of the field for the propertyProperty
Property sortPossortPossortPosTypes/Number5falsefalse3false

If none empty >0 this is the position in the sort clause of this property. This is used when displaying list of the topic as the default sort order and it is used for selecting topics .

E.g. Sortpos 1 for attribute lastname and sortpos 2 for attribute firstname leads to sort by lastname,firstname

TopicLink sourcesourcesourceTypes/Page2falsetrue50falsedropdownthe source of a topic Link
TopicLink sourceDocumentationsourceDocumentationsource DocTypes/Text5falsefalse300falsetextareaDocumentation for the source RoleTopicLink
TopicLink sourceMultiplesourceMultiplesourceMultipleTypes/Boolean4falsefalse50falseTopicLink
TopicLink sourceRolesourceRolesourceRoleTypes/Text3falsefalse50falseTopicLink